TLC Children's Home

Giving Tuesday 2018

We would like to thank you, our supporters, for the outpouring of support, prayers and contributions after our news on Monday 26 November.

One thing became clear as the day wore on – the spirit of TLC lives as much in you as it does in us.

On #GivingTuesday, we achieved our goal of getting 75 cots adopted, in the midst of all the difficulty. Firstly, we just want to thank you, from the deepest part of our hearts, for your support.

Then, we have been flooded by messages from around the world asking whether we could salvage the child and youth care centre portion of TLC, beyond the six months we have assigned to place the children who are still with us.

Our current situation is that we are about R1 million in debt, with costs piling up daily, as we are R350,000 short every month of what we need to cover our costs.

To even open the conversation of the child and youth care centre remaining operational, we need to pay off our debts of roughly R1 million, and secure committed, reliable funding of R350,000 a month (which equates to 3,500 adopted cots).

We will keep you updated with the way forward as we walk this slow and painful path. Thank you for walking it with us.

Lauren Lopes

Lauren Lopes is a wife, mom and business owner with a love for anything creative.