TLC Children's Centre

Direct Deposit and EFT

If you prefer to make a direct deposit rather than donate through a third party platform, we have accounts set up with our registered international TLC charities (run by previous volunteers or adoptive parents). We have accounts set up in the following countries: South Africa (direct EFT), Germany, Austria and Denmark.
See the details below.
* Funds donated through these charities are released to TLC periodically at their discretion.*

For us to correctly acknowledge and allocate funds please reference in the following way

General Donation : Your Email Address (eg - someone@gmail.com)
Adopt-A-Cot : AAC-Email Address (eg - AAC-someone@gmail.com)
Strive To Thrive : STT-Email Address (eg - STT-someone@gmail.com)
A Mother's Hope : AMH-Email Address (eg - AMH-someone@gmail.com)
Revive1000 : REV-Email Adress (eg - REV-someone@gmail.com)
Christmas Collection : XMAS-Email Adress (eg - XMAS-someone@gmail.com)

If you are not able to fit the reference in the character space provided please send us an email to notify us of your gift to info@tlc.org.za

TLC Children's Home

South Africa - Direct EFT

Account Number: 1385039027
Branch: The Glen
Branch Code: 138-537
International Sort Code:
TLC is registered as a section 18(a) organisation and as such is able to issue tax receipts to South African donors, so please request a receipt should you require one.

TLC Deutschland e.V


Kindern helfen - TLC Deutschland e.V.

Bank: Volksbank Eifel e.G

IBAN: DE46 5866 0101 0001 0966 81



Kindern Helfen will issue a contribution receipt on request for donations higher than 50 €. For donations of up to 50 €, the German fiscal authorities usually accept the payment document.

This is a registered charity organisation established by adoptive families in Germany, with permission to give contribution receipts for tax.



If you live in Austria you can make contributions through 'Ubarela – Buntes Leben für Südafrikas Kinder', which is a registered charity organisation established by a number of adoptive families in Austria.

Ubarela – Buntes Leben für Südafrikas Kinder
Erste Bank
Bankleitzahl: 20111
Kontonummer: 286 214 367 01
IBAN: AT592011128621436701


TLC Danmark


Jyske Bank
Regnr: 7747
Account: 1468783

If you live in Denmark you can make contributions through TLC Danmark, which is an organisation established by a number of adoptive families in Denmark.