TLC Children's Centre

1000 Days

75% of a child’s brain is formed in the first year.* Research shows that the first 1000 Days of life (conception to 2 years old) are the most important in laying a solid foundation for a child’s physical and emotional development. Watch the videos below to learn why TLC Children Home's interventions in the early childhood of vulnerable children will have a far-reaching impact on the future of our country.

If you have 2 minutes

Watch this ±2 minute video to learn more about the importance of the first 1000 Days.

If you have 5 minutes

Watch these ±5 minute videos to learn more about the impact of a child's first 1000 Days.

If you have 20 minutes

A ±20 minute TEDx Windhoek talk about how much hinges on our first 1000 days.